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Tag Archives: housing crisis

  1. Face of Troubled Homeownership August 27, 2012

    Posted in Economics, Markets, Media.

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  2. Home Seller Offers Incentive in Booze September 19, 2011

    Posted in Economics, Markets.

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  3. Razing Houses in Cleveland July 6, 2011

    Posted in Economics, Markets.

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  4. Visualized Jobs Situation May 15, 2011

    Posted in Economics, Markets, Media.

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  5. Skyrocketing Cost of Homeownership December 16, 2010

    Posted in Economics, Markets, Media.

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  6. Please Sell My House October 15, 2010

    Posted in Economics, Markets.

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  7. Dear Mr. Buffet – Janet Tavakoli April 19, 2010

    Posted in Markets, Media.

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