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Government Manipulation of Data

I hate to be such a negative person, but the GDP numbers this morning seem entirely manipulated.  The recent number is *better* than expected at -1% annualized versus a forecast of -1.5%, but then you look to see that the prior number was revised downward to -6.4% versus -5.5%.   When I have watched these “revisions” on jobless, GDP, CPI etc they have all been revised for the worse.  This suggests to me that it’s all just a way to manipulate sentiment, make the present seem slightly better than the past at all costs to make people feel as if things are getting a lot better.  Then a month or two later you can put the actual data there.  Isn’t that fraudulent market manipulation from the SEC’s perspective?

Revise previous downward, boost current up, revise previous downward...repeat until everyone is happy

Revise previous downward, boost current up, revise previous downward...repeat until everyone is happy

Posted in Conspiracy, Economics, Media.

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