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Public Wages Out of Control

This might be an absolute tail anomaly, but this latest outrage out of California highlights a major problem.  Bell city has a population of 38,000 residents and resides in Los Angeles County, California.  The population is mostly Hispanic with a per capita income of $24,800 which is much lower than the nation’s average of $32,800.  What does the head of such a city earn?  $800,000!

The Los Angeles Times reported July 15 that Chief Administrative Officer Robert Rizzo earns $787,637 — with annual 12 percent raises — and that Bell pays its police chief $457,000, more than Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck makes in a city of 3.8 million people. Bell council members earn almost $100,000 for part-time work.

I bet they have nice fat pensions as well…   Get out your pitchforks.  You can read more here.

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