Middle class woe – HarvardGazette
Global debt: How worried should we be? – BBC
Report: Billionaires are hoarding mountains of cash – UPI
Santa’s real workshop: the town in China that makes the world’s Christmas decorations – Guardian
Modern Moms Aren’t as Busy as 1960s Moms Were – Atlantic
The Markets Are Predicting a Venezuelan Default – Bloomberg
Here’s why oil companies should be a lot more profitable than they are – Reuters
Bankers See $1 Trillion of Zombie Investments Stranded in the Oil Fields – Bloomberg
That’s rich! Why so many wealthy Americans think they’re middle class – Salon
The week the dam broke in Russia and ended Putin’s dreams -Telegraph
Of Kiwis and Currencies: How a 2% Inflation Target Became Global Economic Gospel – New York Times
A black hole for our best and brightest: Wall Street is expanding, and the economy is worse off for it – Washington Post
Big banks need to embrace digital era – Financial Times
How Wall Street is chipping away at reform – The Week