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Noteworthy News – August 9, 2010


ECB’s Trichet Says Euro-Area Economy Stronger Than Expected – Bloomberg

Jobless Claims Raise Doubts About Economy – ABC News

2 Top Economists Differ Sharply on Risk of Deflation – New York Times

Japan’s Economic Stagnation Is Creating a Nation of Lost Youth – DailyFinance

More Illinois families than ever receiving food stamps because of recession – Quincy Herald Whig

Among those aged 18 to 29, 28.4% are underemployed – Gallup


How Canada’s Dollar Got Ahead, and Left America Behind-Esquire

Market Data Firm Spots the Tracks of Bizarre Robot Traders – The Atlantic

CREDIT MARKETS: Bonds Adjust After Weaker Jobless Claims Report – Wall Street Journal

Dollar Will Appreciate as Global Economy Resumes Its Slump, Taylor Says – Bloomberg

Corporate Bond Markets In High Gear As Double-Dip Fears Fade – Wall Street Journal

Housing Markets That Will Be Strongest by 2014 – Bloomberg


The Politics Of Regulatory Reform – Forbes

Bill Gates: Politics can get you depressed – CNET

Immigration politics: GOP considers 14th Amendment – Examiner


Goldman Sachs finds a big loophole: The company reportedly has figured out how to dodge key parts of the financial reform bill – MSN Money

A UBS insider blows the whistle on Swiss banking -GlobalPost

Proprietary traders may find hedge fund life harder – Reuters

Posted in Economics, Media, Politics.

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